Practical information Conference Care, Education, Ecology


The place of the conference is : site Saint Charles, University Paul-Valéry of Montpellier, ful adress:  71, Rue du Professeur Henri Serre, 34090 Montpellier

Access to this University center is easy by taking the tramway, line 1 and stopping at the tram station “Place Albert 1er“. The entry of the university is right next this tram station (see the maps below).

Site Saint Charles – Université Paul Valéry de Montpellier
Arrêt de Tramway « Place Albert 1er »
At the tram station (line direction to Odysseum)
Enter in the parking of the site Saint Charles by pedestrian gate,  signposting will indicate the way to follow until the building and the rooms of the conference

Dates of the conference

The conference will take place from Monday 22 November to Friday 26 November 26 2021 and is composed of two sections:

  • November 22-23, 2021: presentations of students’ works and researchers
  • November 24-26, 2021: teachers, researchers, trainers

Registration and access

The conference is available In-person and Online

  • Keynote speakers and plenary panels will be accessible in person and Online
  • Workshops (Novembre 24-25 afternoon) will be accessible in person or online, see: workshops detailed

From Wednesday to Friday, Sanitary pass is required (scientific events with more than 50 persons). Please present your sanitary pass at the welcome desk.

Register now by sending an email to, specifying:

  • days and hours of your participation
  • if you will be online or in person
  • the workshops that you would like to follow (be careful, some workshops have limited capacity, see:  Descriptif détaillé des ateliers)

Languages and translation

The conference will be mainly accessible in French and English.

The main Language of the conference is French; most keynote speakers, plenary panels and workshops Will be in French; However, a simultaneous translation is offered from French to English for all the keynote speakers and plenary panels. Only some workshops (Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 November afternoon) will not be translated.

English is also a language used during the conference for some keynote speakers (Paloma Sainz, Satish Kumar) and some panellists (Econarrative, Care and social-emotional learning). Here again, a translation from English to French is offered by the organizers of the conference. Only the workshop 4 ‘The Emoted Program’ (Wednesday 24) will be exclusively in English.

To access the online translation, you need to download ZOOM (video conferencing software) on your computer and create a free account. This will allow you to choose your language, by clicking on the button “Interpretation” (situated on the bottom right side of your Zoom screen). For people in-person who need a translation, please bring the necessary equipment to follow the translation (laptop computer with Zoom and headphones; be careful, some smartphones or tablet computers do not allow to access to the interpretation button on Zoom, please do a test to check if you can access to the service with your smartphone).