Awakening the Heart, cultivating the Mind
International conference In-person and online
November 22-26, 2021, Montpellier, France
Paul-Valéry University, University of Montpellier, University of Paris,
Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Montpellier France
Place: Saint-Charles, University Paul-Valéry, 71, Rue du Professeur Henri Serre, Montpellier, France
Informations and regitration :
you can follow the conference on youtube in french
Monday November 22 Auditorium (Saint Charles 2)
2:00-2:30 PM Conference Opening with the organizers of the conference:
Angela Biancofiore, Clément Barniaudy, Franck Zenasni, Cloé Brami
2:30-4:30 PM The emotions of the Earth : the Econarrative writing workshops, an international project on care, pandemic and resilience, presentations of students’ works
2:30 Middle School students of Jacou (France) with Annette Vernazobres, French Teacher
2:45 Middle School students of Stockholm (Sweden) with Marjorie Madéo, French Teacher
3:00 Rebecca Degregori, Master Degree student in Italian studies, Université Paul-Valéry of Montpellier (France)
3:15 Master MEEF Faculty of Education, University of Montpellier (France)
3:30 Master degree Italian Studies students, University La Manouba of Tunis (Tunisia), with Vittorio Valentino, Assistant Professor in Italian Studies.
3:45 Students from the Faculty of Medicine UDD, Santiago, Chile
4:00 Students from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris
4:15 Students from the Faculty of Educational Science, University of Verona (Italy)
4:30-5:00 PM Art and Science for children : presentation of the book « Mon amie Bergamote » by Jean Charles Walter (researcher in biophysics, CNRS, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, Université de Montpellier), Camille Saulnier, Alexandra Jeuillard,
5:00 PM Exhibit Hall Open ‘La Fruitière : an outdoor education’ (Winter garden, Saint Charles 2) with the photographs of Christophe Barniaudy
6:00 PM Concert with Benoît Jourdheuil and Manuel Bergon
Tuesday November 23 Auditorium (Saint Charles 2)
9:30 Marie Gola (Teacher of Literature, Lycée Champollion, and Académie de Montpellier), “Florilège des écrivains en herbe”: fostering students’ creative writings
10:00-11:00 AM Building a culture of peace: an intercultural and interspecies dialogue in education, presentations of students’ works
10:00 Arts, Ecology and Cultural Heritage (BA students in Italian Studies, Montpellier)
10:15 Nitia Davis, Trauma-informed practices in Higher education (CRI, Paris)
10:30 Paulina Juan Chong et Marine Dalle, The wellness club (CRI, Paris)
11:00 AM-12:30 PM Learning and living in an interdependent World : listening to the voice of the ‘pandemic generation’, presentations of students’ works
11:00 Annie Hasserjan, On eco-anxiety (CRI, Paris)
11:15 Mytam Mayo-Smith, Mental Health during pandemic (CRI, Paris)
11:30 Soukhaina Tadilioui, Social-emotional education in writing workshops, Master degree Italian Studies, Montpellier
11:45 Vanessa Alaya, Literature and ecology, Master degree Italian Studies, Montpellier
12:00 Claire Thiébaut-Reid (Canada), The sacred in literature: reflections with the living world, Master degree Italian Studies, Montpellier
Break 12:30-2:00 PM
Keynote Q&A plenary session
2:00–3:00 PM Changing the way you think to change the way you are : taking care of the world Luigina Mortari, Professor in Educational Sciences, Verona University (Italy) (in italian, with french and english translation)
3:00–4:00 PM Education, ecology and care François Taddei, co-founder and director of CRI, DR INSERM (in french with english translation)
4:00-4:30 PM break
4:30–5:30 PM Compassion in education Paloma Sainz, Founder and director of ‘All One project’ (Saragossa, Spain) (in english with french translation)
Wedensday November 24 Auditorium (Saint Charles 2)
8:30-9:00 AM Registration
9:00-9:30 AM Conference opening with Agata Jackiewicz, Vice-President in charge of ecological transition (University Paul-Valéry of Montpellier), Aurélie Binot, associate director of the MSH-SUD et the research teams directors Fabrice Quero (ReSO), Frédéric Torterat (LIRDEF) and Franck Zenasni (LaPEA CRI)
9:30-10:30 AM Cultivating positive interdependence: taking care of ourselves, of others and the environment
Keynote Q&A with Rebecca Shankland, Professor of developmental psychology, DIPHE, University of Lyon (in french with english translation) (Moderator : C. Barniaudy)
10:30-11:00 AM Break
11:00-12:30 AM Panel : The relationship to oneself and to others in care : reflective approaches for education in Health training (in french with english translation)
- Cloé Brami, Oncologist, teacher and PhD student, CRI – University of Paris, LaPEA; associated researcher at ReSO, University Paul-Valéry, Montpellier
- Marie-Aude Piot, Child Psychiatrist, hospital practitioner, Institut Mutualiste Montsouris, University of Paris
- Cécile Badoual, Vice President of educational innovation, PU-PH Anatomopathologist, University hospital teacher, University of Paris APHP HEGP
- Isabelle Galichon, PhD in French Literature, associated researcher at TELEM University of Bordeaux, member of the Institute ‘Médecine Intégrative et Complémentaire’ (IMIC) of the Bordeaux Hospital
- Béatrice Lognos, Medical Doctor, University Senior Lecturer, University of Montpellier Medical School
- Nazanin Moghbeli, Cardiologist, Head of the intensive care unit at Einstein Medical Center, and painter in residence at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia (USA)
- Silvia Rossi, PhD in Italian studies, researcher at APEMAC, University of Lorraine, France
12:30-2:00 PM Lunch Break and 13h30 Nap time (20 minutes)
Concurrent workshops
2:00-3:00 PM
- Workshop 1. Room 002-Kouros (online and in-person) : The experience of toddlers in times of pandemic, testimonies in pictures with the Premiers Cris Early Childhood Research Collaboratory with Lisa Jacquey, PhD in Cognitive Sciences, CRI University of Paris and Marion Voillot, PhD student in Design, CRI University of Paris.
2:00-3:00 PM
- Workshop 2. room 003-Caryatides (in-person): Development of professional projects for people who are far from employment: expériences from « emotional intelligence » and « nature expedition » workshops (Ministry of Labour)
with Macarena-Paz Celume, PhD in Psychology, LaPEA University of Paris & Omar Kamara, educational coordinator, CRI – University of Paris.
2:00-3:00 PM
- Workshop 3. Auditorium (Saint Charles 2, in-person) : Meditation – Caring Presence and Culture of Care in Health with Cloé Brami,Oncologist Doctor, responsible of the course « medecine & meditation » at the University of Paris. Teacher and PhD student, CRI – Université de Paris, LaPEA; associated researcher at ReSO, University Paul-Valéry, Montpellier.
3:00-4:00 PM
- Workshop 4. Auditorium (Saint Charles 2, in-person): Development of social and emotional competencies in primary school children through a drama pedagogy training: The Emoted Program with Franck Zenasni, Professor of psychology,LaPEA and CRI, University of Paris & Macarena-Paz Celume, PhD in psychology, LaPEA University of Paris.
3:00-4:00 PM
- Workshop 5. room 002-Kouros (online) : Medecine, meditation, storytelling with Isabelle Galichon, PhD in French Literature, associated researcher at EA TELEM (University of Bordeaux-Montaigne) and at the Institut « Médecine Intégrative et Complémentaire » (Bordeaux Hospital) & François Tison, Professor and neurologist, University of Bordeaux, Responsible of the «Institut Maladies Neurodégénératives-Clinique » (IMNc), Coordinator of the « Centre d’Excellence Maladies Neurodégénératives » (BIND), Co-founder of the Institut de Médecine Intégrative et Complémentaire.
3:00-4:00 PM
- Workshop 6. room 003-Caryatides (in-person): Yoga and mindfulness at elementary school : practices and issues in times of transition with Ulrika Dezé, Yoga instructor , PhD student at FAPSE- CIDE Geneva University.
3:00-4:00 PM
- – Workshop 7. room 006-Panathénées (online and in-person): Ecological humanities for a transformative education with Angela Biancofiore, Professor in Italian Studies, ReSO, University Paul-Valéry, Montpellier, Agata Jackiewicz, Professor of Language sciences , Vice President in charge of ecological transition, PRAXILING, University Paul-Valéry, Montpellier and Bénédicte Meillon, Senior Lecturer, CRESEM, University of Perpignan.
4:00-4:30PM break
Auditorium (Saint Charles 2)
4:30-6:00 PM Plenary panel Covid-19, care, education and health
(in french with english translation)
Franck Zenasni (moderator), Professor of psychology, director of the Learning science master degree program (AIRE), LaPEA CRI – University of Paris
Emma Baïz, Head of the European project of action research ‘Réalise tes rêves’ (RtR), ‘Outreach & Pedagogy unit’, CRI – Université de Paris
Anne-Lise Dauphiné-Morer, PhD student atINRAE LaPEA CRI
Muriel Mambrini, Research director in charge of the ‘Innovation’ mission at INRAE’s management college, director of the PhD School ‘Frontières de l’Innovation en Recherche et Education’, CRI University of Paris
Thursday November 25 Room : salles des colloques 1
8:45-9:15 AM A sophrological break to concentrate and revitalize with Anne Latger, University Paul-Valéry, Montpellier, salles des colloques 1 (in french)
8h45 – 9h15. Gently waking up body and mind with Patrizia Tavormina, Université de Montpellier, room 002-Kouros (in english)
9:30-10:30 AM Education for the Future
Keynote Q&A with Satish Kumar, Founder of Schumacher college, writer and journalist, chief editor of Resurgence & Ecologist magazine (UK) (moderator : A. Biancofiore)(in english with french translation)
10:30-11:00 AM break
11:00AM–12:30 PM Plenary Panel Narratives of the Anthropocene: Feedback on the Econarrative international research-action project (MSH-SUD)
(in french with english translation)
Moderator : Aurélie Binot (associate director of MSH-SUD, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Montpellier)
Speakers :
- Angela Biancofiore, Professor in Italian studies, ReSO University Paul-Valéry, Montpellier
- Clément Barniaudy, Lecturer in geography, LIRDEF, University of Montpellier
- Vittorio Valentino, PhD in Italian studies, ReSO, assistant Professor at La Manouba de Tunis, University (Tunisia)
- Carla Benaglio, teacher and researcher, Vice President of the “Centro de Desarrollo Educacional”, Universidad del Desarrollo Santiago, Chile, Faculty of Medecine and Laura Menatti, post-PhD researcher, Philosophy department, University of Pays Basque, UPV/EHU (San Sebastián), Spain.
- Hélène Souchu, Palliative care doctorand Cloé Brami, CRI University of Paris.
- Annette Vernazobres, Professor in Modern Literature (Collège Jacou), French literature PhD student
- Marco Ubbiali, teacher and researcher in educational sciences, University of Verona (Italy)
12:30-14:00 PM Lunch break
Concurrent workshops
2:00-4:00 PM
– Workshop 8. Room : salle des colloques 1 (in-person) : Reconnecting to the living- relational transition workshop with Marianne Claveau, Trainer-facilitator, Erasme, OR2D University of Clermont Auvergne, University Paul-Valéry, Montpellier and Clément Barniaudy, Associate Professor in Geography, LIRDEF, UM
2:00-4:00 PM
– Workshop 9. room 002-Kouros (in-person) : Forum theater. Teaching : an opportunity to meet in humanity? with Françoise Morato-Lallemand, Lecturer at Faculté des Sciences, University of Montpellier, and Laurène Grangette, Actress and trainer, Etincelle cultural association, Montpellier.
2:00-4:00 PM
– Workshop 10. room 007-Médicis (in-person): Ecoformation and care in a reciprocal loop or how the world takes care of us with Orane Bischoff, engineer, institut Agro Florac & PhD student LIRDEF UM, and Pascal Galvani, Professor Emeritus, UQAR Centr’ERE (Canada).
3:00-4:00 PM
Workshop 11. room 006-Panathénées (in-person): Taking care without ego, what the non humans teach us withMuriel Mambrini, Research director at INRAE CRI, & Anne-Lise Dauphiné-Morer, PhD student INRAE LaPEA CRI University of Paris.
3:00-4:00 PM
– Workshop 12. room 003-Caryatides (in-person): Forest schools in France : a reinvention of the nature facilitation with a new pedagogical approach, the pedagogy by nature (PPN) withRoland Gérard, co-founder of the « École & Nature » (REN) network and of the « Collectif Français pour une Education à l’Environnement vers un Développement Durable » (CFEEDD), member of the administrative board of the « Réseau de Pédagogie par la Nature » (RPPN).
3:00-4:00 PM
– Workshop 13. room 006-Panathénées (in-person): Emotional capital, creativity and transformational learning: collaborative pedagogy and mindfulness practice for wellness, with Bénédicte Gendron, Professor of educational sciences, LIRDEF, University Paul-Valéry, Montpellier.
4:00-4:30 break
Room : Salle des colloques 1
4:30-6 :00 PM Plenary Panel : Care and environmental education
(in french with english translation)
Moderator : Clément Barniaudy, Lecturer in geography, LIRDEF, University of Montpellier & Orane Bischoff, engineer at institut Agro de Florac & PhD student LIRDEF, University of Montpellier.
Speakers :
- Jean-Marc Lange, Professor in educational sciences, LIRDEF, University of Montpellier
- Dominique Cottereau, coordinator of the Éducation à l’Environnement en Bretagne (REEB) network, PhD in educational sciences, associate professor, IUT Université de Tours
- Roland Gérard, co-founder of the Ecole & Nature (REN) network and of the Collectif Français pour une éducation à l’environnement vers un développement durable (CFEEDD)
- Marjorie Madeo, Teacher of french literature at collège-lycée français Saint-Louis de Stockholm (Sweden), member of ‘Enseignants pour la Planète’ (EPLP)
Friday November 26 Room : salle des colloques 1
8:45-9:15 AM Gently waking up body and mind with Patrizia Tavormina, University of Montpellier (in english)
8:45-9:15 AM Yoga session with Ulrika Dezé, University of Genève (in french)
9:30-10:30 AM Happy Schools : caring for oneself, for others and for the planet
Keynote Q&A with Tho Ha Vinh, PhD in educational sciences at University of Geneva, founder of Eurasia Learning Institute for Happiness and Wellbeing, founder of NGO ‘Eurasia Foundation’, co-founder and former director of programs at the Centre of Gross National Happiness in Bhoutan. (moderator: Marianne Claveau)
10:30-11:00 AM break
11:00AM-12:30 PM Plenary Panel Care and social-emotional education
Moderator: Madeleine Voga, Senior Lecturer, ReSO, University Paul-Valéry Montpellier
Speakers :
- Juan Adroher, PhD student and teacher ReSO, University Paul-Valéry, Montpellier
- Fatima Tamayo, Neuropsychologist, associate professor in neuroeducation, University of Valladolid, Campus de Yutera, Palencia (Spain)
- Kimberly Schonert-Reichl, Professor of psychology, SEL Chair, University of Chicago, Illinois (USA)
- Federica Valbusa, PhD in educational sciences, researcher and teacher, University of Verona (Italy)
- Angela Biancofiore, Professor, ReSO, University Paul-Valéry, Montpellier
12:30 AM–2:00 PM break
2:00-4:00 PM
Non violent communication, care and education
Keynote Q&A with Catherine Schmider, trainer, national coordinator of the Déclic – CNV & Education association (in french with english translation)
(moderator: Juan Adroher, PhD student and teacher, ReSO)
4:00-4:30 PM break
4:30–6:00PM Closing conference